El Cisne

We export over 280.000 5kg boxes overseas
Our short-term plan, is organically grow the volume in sintony with the entry into production of our own orchards together with early-season fruit. By the year 2021 we pretend reaching an exported volume close to the equivalent 500.000 5kg boxes, which will be oriented to supply clients with high quality demands in the markets and stabilize our volume in that quantity, always taking care of adapting to the new trends and requirements that they have.

2012 - 2013
Exportadora El Cisne Starts its activities sending 1 container of its own fruit to Shanghai Port.
2013 - 2014
Thanks to good results in the first season, it’s decided to increase its volume to 5 containers sending again to the Chinese market, this time alongside Shanghai, to the Guangzhou market. It is during this season that consolidates relationships with the company Chongqing Jinguoyan, who has been until today the main receiver and ally of Exportadora El Cisne.
2014 - 2015
The volume increased to over 30 containers, shipped in their majority to its new strategic ally.
2015 - 2016
The volume continued relatively stable, shipping once again close to 30 containers to the Chinese market, starting a market diversification to different destinations, being Brazil Taiwan and Thailand among them getting mixed results, but opening the possibilities to new horizons.
2016 - 2017
We untied from the south american markets, focusing definitively our efforts to the markets of the far east (China, Taiwan), Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore) and a prospect to the european market mainly for fruit of less caliber (Holland) the volume of this season increased slightly to close of 110.000 boxes of 5kg each.
2017 - 2018
The volume of the exporter doubled, reaching 230.000 5kg boxes, making its exported volume of 40% of its own fruit and 60% of fruits from friend growers from the neighbouring area of Packing Neptuno. This season we have already determined our markets of destination completely in the Asian continent, being all our clients from the markets of China, Taiwan, South Korea and Thailand.