Grupo Esmeralda is a team committed to deliver an excellent quality product.
Our goal for the future is oriented to maximizing the efficiency, more than increasing the volume, given that we firmly believe that the requirements of the customers in the markets we want to reach, will be higher each day, and we have to keep in sync with them.

Our Packing House

Packing Neptuno processes over 8.000.000 Kg of cherries per year, distributed in 3,000,000kg in the GP Graders Line and 5,000,000kg in the Unitec Line. We also have an MAF line for round fruit where 3,500,000kg are processed and serves other species, including Plums, Kiwis, Table Grapes, Walnuts, among others.

Grown in the privileged soil of our country, Chile.


Others Fruits
Royal Dawn, Santina, Lapins, Bing, Kordia, Sweet Heart, Regina.
Plums, Kiwis, Table Grapes, Walnuts, Among others.

Internationally recognised for our reliability and professionalism in the fruit industry.
/ Producction
Agrícola Esmeralda.
Over 100 hectares of cherries in Chile’s
VII Region.

/ Process

Packing Neptuno.
Processes over 8.000.000 Kg of Cherries per year.

/ Exports

Exportadora El Cisne.
Exports over 230.000 boxes abroad.